Guaranteed Life Insurance vs. Other Insurance Types
Interested in learning more about life insurance, but not sure where to start?
Guess what? You’re not alone.
That’s why we’re here to help you understand your options and find a policy that makes sense for you and your family.
First, let’s clear up the confusion. There are a few main types of life insurance you’ve probably heard about:
Term Life Insurance covers you and your family for a specified period of time, or “term”. Many people choose this policy if they want coverage while they have a mortgage, or until small children are grown. The policy terminates when the “term” ends (in 10, 20 or 30 years, for example).
Whole Life Insurance can cover you for your “whole life”, meaning it has no term limits and as an added bonus, it can build cash value.
Both Term and Whole Life insurance policies typically require some medical information to qualify.
Guaranteed Life Insurance – is a whole life insurance policy you can apply for if you’re age 50+*, no medical questions or exam needed.
You may be wondering if Guaranteed Life is the way to go, and if you’re a senior (or aged 50+ so not yet a senior), it’s a great option for more reasons than one.
It’s easy to apply and coverage is guaranteed regardless of health.
With Gerber Life’s Guaranteed Life Insurance Plan, you can choose from a variety of coverage amounts, ranging from $5,000 to $25,000.**
Even better: Your premiums will never increase. The amount you pay once coverage begins is the exact amount you’ll pay throughout the duration of your policy, period. Unless you decide to increase your coverage or modify your payment plan, your premiums will never change.
Not only will Gerber Life’s Guaranteed Life Insurance give you a choice of coverage amounts, it’s an investment in the future and in yourself. Like all whole life plans, Guaranteed Life builds “cash value”, which is money set aside by Gerber Life. The longer you own the policy, the more cash value grows. You can access the cash value if it’s ever necessary or you can let your cash value grow.
If you have any questions, we are happy to help. Call 1-866-503-4481 today and let us help you find a policy that gives you the peace of mind you need.
* For applicants age 50-80 (50-75 in New York) who die (for any reason other than an accident as defined in the policy) within the first two years of coverage, the death benefit will equal 110% of earned premiums. The full death benefit amount is only payable after the first two years of coverage (one year in North Dakota).
**In SD Coverage available from $5,000 - $15,000