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About Our Approval Process

At Gerber Life, we strive to provide life insurance options that are as diverse as our policyholder community.
Every family has different needs, and we are committed to helping you find a policy that is right for you or your loved ones, if we can. 

We believe it is important to be clear about our underwriting and application approval process. In an effort to be as transparent as possible, we have answered some frequently asked questions below, to help you make an informed decision when you are ready to apply for coverage. 


Q. What is underwriting and how does the approval process work? 

A. When you apply for life insurance, there is an approval process, which may include underwriting based upon state approved policy forms and requirements. Underwriting refers to the evaluation process of issuing an insurance policy. If the policy is underwritten, the life insurance application is reviewed to evaluate the risk of the person seeking insurance and whether the applicant will be approved for or denied coverage, including the coverage amount, and the premium amount.  

Q. What kind of factors affect life insurance approval? 

A. Several factors are typically considered during the underwriting process, including the applicant’s:

  • Current age
  • Health and medical history
  • Height and weight
  • Occupation and hobbies
  • Tobacco and alcohol use
  • Insurance already in force

Q. Why does the life insurance industry have an underwriting process?

A. The underwriting process, a standard practice within the insurance industry, is an essential component of the insurance issuance process. When underwriting an applicant, the risk of insuring the applicant must be evaluated. With this in mind, it is possible that if an applicant for coverage presents too high of a risk to the insurer, based on the medical knowledge available, he or she may be denied or postponed coverage, receive less coverage or may have to pay a higher premium rate for his or her coverage.

Q. Does Gerber Life cover higher-risk applicants? 

A. Yes, each application is thoroughly evaluated on a case-by-case basis and Gerber Life does issue policies that cover a number of higher-risk applicants. There are many factors that are considered when determining the risk of an applicant. For those of higher risk, if coverage can be issued, premiums are generally higher or less coverage is provided. At Gerber Life, our goal is to help customers of various risk levels find insurance that fits their needs at an affordable rate. If you need help finding the best policy for you, contact one of our agents now at 1-866-217-4828

Q. What is Gerber Life’s approval rate for the Grow-Up® Plan and special needs applicants?

A. Of the hundreds of thousands of Grow-Up® Plan applications that Gerber Life receives each year, currently less than 2%1 of applicants are denied coverage for medical reasons. Based on the current and emerging knowledge about various medical conditions, Gerber Life has updated its guidelines over the years to issue policies that cover a number of children with special needs and other medical conditions, such as Down syndrome, Autism, and Cerebral Palsy.

Gerber Life continues to evaluate our policies to ensure we’re aligned with changes in the marketplace as well as with medical advancements.


We’re here to listen to your concerns and answer questions you may have about our underwriting and application approval process. For questions, please contact us at 1-866-217-4828 to speak with a dedicated Gerber Life representative. 

1 Of applications received annually for the Grow-Up® Plan since 2014

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